Chakra &
Body Balance
Chakra & Body Balance Healing
Imagine Chakras as spinning wheels of energy constantly flowing and moving all the way through the human body assisting in the running of our body, mind, and soul. When the energy flow in the body is balanced one can experience a better physical, mental, and spiritual state.
On the other hand, an energy imbalance or blockage in the Chakras can cause dis-ease, emotional issues, or negative conditions. Even small blockages in the Chakras can result in the Chakras not working to their maximum potential.
Having a Chakra & Body Balance addresses conditions including addiction, anxiety, depression, confusion, shyness, headaches, phobias, stress, fears, tiredness, physical pain, illnesses and more.
Through her connection with Spirit, Vikki is able to identify if any of your Chakras are not working properly and is intuitively guided to choose an essential oil for each one, the essential oils assist with the balancing process.
Working with the energy in her hands she performs a healing to balance each of the Chakras. As each Chakra is balanced, a chosen crystal is placed on the area of the body that has been balanced. Vikki moves through balancing each of your chakras and then moves on to energetically re-align your physical body.
This process assists in realigning your physical body to your spiritual body, which in turn, helps you to feel grounded and more connected to life.
Contact us to find out more about this service.
As an energy healer, Vikki works directly with spirit, as a clear conduit. Prior to starting the session, she asks permission from her client’s higher self to work with them and will wait until she receives an energy shift in her body, which is her way of knowing they are saying yes. More times than not Vikki will receive the shift before she has even finished the question. If there is no response, she checks in to see if there is a negative energy or entity that is trying to run the show. If that is the case, she moves them on and then checks again to see if it is okay to start the session.
Prior to the commencement of your healing session, Vikki will ask you two questions, “What do you want to heal today? and “How do you want to feel at the end of the healing?” By setting a clear intention, this allows spirit to guide her throughout the session as to what is needed in order to achieve the outcome you desire.
Experiencing an energy healing is very personal. As an energy healer, Vikki may be able to help you to release trapped energy that has been causing you pain, or Vikki may be able to help you release emotional wounds from your past that you may not have even be aware of. If you are not open to the possibility of this happening, you may not benefit from the healing.
Allow yourself to just be in the moment and you may be surprised by the end results. Having an energy healing can be an empowering experience from a physical, emotional, and spiritual viewpoint.